Money Saving Tips

Bad or No Insurance: Get Free or Low-Cost Healthcare, Prescriptions, and Medical Equipment

Uninsured or just looking for low-cost healthcare? The Healthcare Hustlers have your back! We compiled a list of ways to access low-cost/free healthcare for those with or without insurance.

Price Difference: Emergency Room vs. Urgent Care vs. Independent ER

Emergency Room, urgent care, or independent emergency room - knowing the difference could mean a big financial difference. Learn the defining characteristics between these three facilities and how to make sure you are hustling to the right one.

Understanding the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and Checking Hospital Bills for Mistakes

Anyone else guilty of receiving their doctor’s bill and paying it without ever reading it? Yeah, we’ve been there too. The Healthcare Hustlers want you to know why reading your bill is actually really important and can end up saving you $$$.

Balance Billing: What to Do When You Get Out-of-Network Bills From an In-Network Facility

Have you ever gone to a hospital that’s in-network and still gotten an out-of-network bill? This recently happened to one of our friends and we helped him hustle his way out. Learn about balance billing and what to do when you receive an unforeseen medical bill.